Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog Challenges

Blog Challenges

The Principal's Challenge

The Principal ran a blogging challenge last week and is encouraging all students to get on board as it is evidenced that students who blog about their learning 4 times a week retain their learning and maintain their learning progress. Yeah no summer slide or as it is now Covid slide.

Well done Gammado and Levi for rising to the Principal Challenge last week and completing so many blog posts. Check out their blogs.

Mrs Mundy's Challenge

So I have challenged my class to 3 blogging challenges (3 more chances to win)

1. Get at least 4 more post up this week (on different aspects of learning)

2. Comment on 5 student blogs or the class blog, and

3. Complete the Buddy Blog Challenge

Each one comes with it's own rewards - Most probably chocolate, but I might create a spinner and add some other rewards virtual and real.

We discussed last week what make a great post and next week may look at how to make them even better. One way to do this is to check out a buddy's blog using the Blog Battle.  

Our focus is to build on that and build positive relationships by commenting on others blogs. Using the standard format set out by Manaiakalani and the Outreach schools.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Probability - Chance with Spinners

A new week, another in lockdown, but now we have things ticking beautifully with our meets and sharing learning. 

Last week we looked at Probability with dice and coins and we found digital dice online that made this fun and workable. A great idea was to break into groups in different google.meets so the dice could seen by all. (No quarrelling)

Today we used online spinners linked to the slides. 

The other activities were there incase students wanted to challenge themselves or family members.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Punishments and Consequences

 The horrible part of Law and Order. For every law there has to be a consequence, if there is no consequence why have the law. Just like at home why have a rule and no consequence. Although there are some interesting consequences as all families are different. 

The most strange was if you drink from a bottle (straight out of the fridge, say) it is now yours. How is that going to stop teenagers drinking from the bottle of coke? But no one wants to be sharing germs! YUCK!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Quality Posting our Distance Learning

Being new in a class there is so many changes needed to be made and the Class Blog was one. Even though it didn't really happen until August 2021 Lockdown, when I had a bit of time. 
So we needed a fun challenge to find our way around the blog and to investigate the posts on the class blog. The idea was to also get students to post comments before we join Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu.


After a reset with the Class Blog and new links to all the Student Blogs, I wondered if they knew what a quality blog looked like. So after a discussion and running through what it should look like (even though we have sentence starters on our site and in class). Just so we are all on the same page.

So keep watching to see who is trying to share more learning in an exciting way.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Two Places at Once

It doesn't happen often during lockdown but today I had a staff meeting and a class meeting. So while I listen to both one with headset and gave directions through chat to the class. Two of my boys ran the class meeting with a speed discussion about with the consumer has the right to return, repair or refund. 

They did well, thankfully the class had followed instructions and read the story to find out about what refund, repair and return meant and when you could possibly do each and when you couldn't. It was also great to hear from some other students too.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Rules in Society that we can observe

 There are many places we can see rules in action. Nature has it own set of rules, some plants and animals are out for themselves - survival of the fittest and they do often protect their young. An example of this is the lone wolf or male lion and snakes or in plant life, weeds or vine that take over the garden or suffocate another plant.

Others are more family orientated like the elephant who ensures the young are in the middle holding on to a tail (or hand) as to not get lost. Orangutans and other primates, although they do fight for the dominant role when old enough. 

Another Law we observe is around Privacy, so when on calls videoing has to be asked for due to names and possible faces being visible.  But here is a mixed up screen shot with only first names due to this law.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Purpose of Rules and Laws

We have been talking about the reasons why places have rules and laws. Today we created a poster using Canva to help explain the importance of Rules and Laws and why people should follow them. Some students did rules and laws in general. I did rules and laws around Covid. 

I carefully considered my background, Canva had a lot to offer for Covid and Medical Ideas. 
As mine was the example I choose to focus on Covid and why we should follow the rules and laws that have come along with it. 

Here are some ideas from the class.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Beating the Lockdown Lazies

As the Prime Minster said it was a matter of when not if. So here we are at home ready to teach from a distance. I am so happy that our school is fully digital it makes it easier, even if some need to borrow school chromebooks.  We have recently finished looking at the Olympics and start our new Inquiry about Rules and Law. With a focus on Consumer Law and a bunch of students who purchase things everyday this was a good place to start. 

We watch a clip on a boy called Anaru who buys a pair of shoes after explaining clearly what he is going to use them for. Not long during his practise playing basketball he finds they are unfit for purpose.

Our first Inquiry session as a class we discussed the plus, minus and interesting facts of what happen as this is what we came up with.

My New Blog