Thursday, November 18, 2021

Brain Break

Today we were making posters about being safe back at school. After a while we needed a brain break. We had a fork, a cup and four straws. We were in teams of two.

We fast walked to the table and using one hand how to hold the fork and try to get all four straws on with out touching the straws with our other hand. Mrs Mundy lined all the straws up and got them all on at once. I wish I had thought to do that. Once all the straws were on the fork, we had to stand the fork in the cup. That was tricky because of the wind blowing in our class. 

Have you ever had a brain break, What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. You look like you have enjoyed yourself a lot! My class has been making posters too 😄. Do you play other games during brain breaks?


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