Saturday, September 11, 2021

Battle of the Bloggers

The other morning we challenged those of us who were online to check out each others blogs. Gladys and I went together and here are the results. I found it tricky as I had created my own class blog and not followed the template things were in different places and they were harder to find. 

I was glad to see Gladys like to make sure all here posts fitted in the blogging area and so were neat and tidy looking. I realised, I might need to change it up a bit and add more videos or audio clips, even the odd scratch or two. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Ruma Iwa. I love the blog battle. It's a great way of checking that your blog is easy to navigate for visitors and that it is engaging enough to make them want to visit again. Another good tip is to bookmark blogs you like. So if you find an awesome post by a friend or someone from another Ako Hiko school you can bookmark it and visit it again and again. Do you have any tips for getting more people to visit your blogs?


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