Friday, September 3, 2021


We have been trying to engage with students while in Level 4 Lockdown and I thought we would try a version of the paralympics. Why?

  • For Fun
  • As we couldn't complete our own team olympics sports at school
  • Get students moving and engaged

After watching a range of the Paralympics, which I don't usually get to see due to being at work. I thought how interesting it was to see how they modified various activities so a range of people could participate.
 E.g. ball with bells for the blind to hear, wheelchair sports and so on.

We came up with blind darts (paper planes), mouth aerobics (writing the ABC with your mouth), hand aerobics, tying a shoe lace with one hand and thumb typing "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", blind bowls (roll a tin to the kitty), blind boccia (toss under under a ball of paper) and if time athletics one legged hopping race after spinning around 10 times, and crab crawling.

Please remember these need to be done in front of a camera and were just for fun. (our computer often the target or finish line). I can't wait to see the results.

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