Thursday, October 21, 2021

Altering Media

 Our second session on Media we had Phil join us and talk about how Media tries to influence us. One example of this is before meal times and later at night we see adverts trying to convince us we are hungry by showing us food. We may have already had dinner but the images remind us of some of our favourite food and make us hungry again. The companies are hoping we will go out and buy their food.

We talked about Covid and how the signs are trying to inform us of the risk and symptoms we could end up with trying to influence/persuade us to get double jabbed. 

We then had to change a piece of writing from Jack and Beanstalk. We had the choice of whether we were going to write to inform, persuade or entertain. And we only had 100 words.

Jack cried himself to sleep he didn't like being in trouble with his mum. But she was right as always they needed the money and beans weren't going to help them save the house or get food to eat.

When he woke up in the morning (or at least he thought is was) it was still dark in his room, he tried to look out his window but the view was blocked. He tried to dress but he couldn't get his head through the right hole. Finally outside he saw it the beanstalk. He scurried up the giant plant never to be heard of again.

Well that's the end of my 100 words however...

His mother worried about him day and night. Each morning she would go out into the fields to search for him. After months of searching she found one gold coin. She eventually fixed up the house, but she would cry herself to sleep wishing for her son be healthy and to return.

Jack after scurrying up the beanstalk had managed to sneak into a giant house. The lady of the house found him and feed him a pot of chicken. She told Jack stories of how lonely she was and how she wanted her very own son, but had not been able to have one. She locked  him up in his very own beautiful house (the size of a giant dolls house). She would bring him out to cuddle him and feed him and occasionally they would go out for walks but she never let him go. He felt like a puppy on a lead. 

As the days past, she took him into her vault filled with gold and silver. Jack thought if only mum could have a little of this treasure she would be happy. He often thought about his mum and even though she had been mad she had loved him. Jack tucked a coin into his clothes knowing the lady would take him for a walk, if he could reach the beanstalk maybe he could drop the coin.

Months went by it seemed like years. he had managed to drop a few coins down the bean stalk. But he missed his mum, he thought if only I could see her one more time. 

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