Monday, October 18, 2021

What Media have you been Viewing?

Our Cybersmart Theme for Term 4 is Smart Media. We complete a form about what Media we have been using over the last few weeks. When we looked at the resulted we discussed the bias that goes with it because today was the 'first day back at school' even if through Auckland lockdown. Hence, during the holiday period we had more time to do what we wanted and when we wanted (parents allowing of course).

Then we realised we didn't read the initial instruction which mentioned 168 hours in a week, so we were to consider how many hours a week we viewed the media form. Yeah, most of the students did media in one day.

There was an even balance of students across the youtube usage. But then I suppose it depends if people are looking for something particular.

The students guessed it right Mrs Mundy loves to read over the holidays and could easily spend 10 hours reading, and some day did. It would have been great to see 0% for the less than an hour. But overall, most people were doing some kind of reading.

This did not surprise the teacher as it appeared limited by the name Netflix, but if people considered Disney+ or Sky or another pay per view it could have been different. Having said that, it is also a cost factor so many people may not be able to afford pay per view and rather spend money on food and family. 

That could be why the next one TV was from 1 to 5 hours roughly a day.

And of course then there is the Gaming you either did or you didn't. I didn't even think about games on my phone, so I might of told a fib here.

It will be interesting to reflect back on this once we have settled back into school in the classroom and see how that effects the results. And of course making sure we are all on the same page about the viewing and what each title includes.

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