Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Christmas is on the Way
Friday, December 3, 2021
Pai te Mahi o te Roopu
Well done Team, you have all been a huge blessing to me and Ms Siaoloa. Keep working hard we appreciate it.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Michael Mulipola
Have you ever dreamt of something and thought or been told you can't do that. Remember if you can Dream It you can do it.
Michael Mulipola loves comic books and he used to draw his favourite marvel characters such as Green Lantern. Now he draws for other people not just himself.
I really like how he mixes two of his favourite hobbies for a paying job, wrestling and comic drawing.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Number Patterns
I enjoy following numbers patterns it really is quite easy once you can see how the numbers in the sequence change.
Friday, November 26, 2021
Thursday, November 25, 2021
Splish Splash I was not taking a bath
Swimming - we are so lucky to have our pool open, thank you Mr Ball. We go swimming on Tuesday and Wednesday. We start with a warm up as the water is slightly cold. We have a race to the other end (12.5 metres) and then play a game, ‘ships’ or ‘stuck in the mud’. We have used the noodles but they have to be cleaned each time a class uses them. Miss even taught us side stroke, where you lay on your lower arm positioned above your head and pulls the water to your middle, the other arm moves from the middle and pushes the water away. Feet are doing a scissor kick.
The tricky part was making sure we stayed 2 metres apart at least. Are you able to go swimming yet?
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Footit - My New Game
We are looking at Cultural Sports, we have been investigating Kilikiti. Today for our early bird task we had to use the combination key to mix a sport with cricket. I choose Football to mix with Cricket. Here is my new game - Footit.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Kilikiti - Island Cricket
Today we tried a different type of cricket called Kilikiti. Samoa was introduced to English Cricket many years ago. But they thought it was boring as it took 5 days to play one game. So they change some of the rules.
You must always have two hands on the bat, and if you are not facing the ball the bat needs to be on your shoulder. If you step out of the pitch you are also out. Hopefully the teacher will take some photos for us to share what it looks like.
I found it hard to bowl, as I haven't bowled for cricket in a few years. Next time, I hope to have a bat.
Monday, November 22, 2021
Creating Algebraic Equations
Friday, November 19, 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Brain Break
Today we were making posters about being safe back at school. After a while we needed a brain break. We had a fork, a cup and four straws. We were in teams of two.
We fast walked to the table and using one hand how to hold the fork and try to get all four straws on with out touching the straws with our other hand. Mrs Mundy lined all the straws up and got them all on at once. I wish I had thought to do that. Once all the straws were on the fork, we had to stand the fork in the cup. That was tricky because of the wind blowing in our class.
Have you ever had a brain break, What did you do?
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Cooking Food - Yum!
Monday, November 15, 2021
Using Tables to Solve Problems
Not that sort of table, she means tables, you know times tables.
Actually you are both on a different plane.
Look at this:
Friday, November 12, 2021
Congratulations and Salutations
Congratulations to the following...
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Tradition of Quilting
Everyone has a different method of making a blanket, whether for a special event or everyday use. I remember sitting of the old tartan coloured blankets for picnics. I even have a guide blanket with badges and scarves sewn on from when I was a girl scout.
I love how the Tivaevae and Ngatu are used to tell stories and are passed down through the family.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Drawing Pictures to Solve Word Problems
Friday, November 5, 2021
Ways of presenting
We have been talking about different ways of presenting our work and how it doesn't always have to teacher directed. We have already shown you our reading using google doc earlier this week here is the same tasks with different readings being compared.
Kau ma te Wehi
Congratulations to the following...
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Exploring in our DNA
We have been looking at how people are explorers. We have talked about how this can be in our own backyards, to across oceans and into space. Traditionally explorers didn't have a compass and they created their own to help with telling stories to give a more accurate account of where they travelled, not just west as this is almost covers half of the compass directions. They used up to 32 points of the compass so you would have to listen carefully to make sure you went the right way. Here is a compass that has our boat in the middle and 16 points of the compass.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Tradition of Exploring
The tradition of Exploring goes way back. People still like to explore, there have been many movies and books written about exploring under the sea, space and the local area.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Estimating or Guessing
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Cultural Diversity and Traditions
For Inquiry and Reading we are looking at different traditions cultures celebrate. We are looking how they have changed and how they might change in the next ten years. This week following on from last we our big questions was Why is important to keep these traditions alive? How do we know that. After some discussion here is some of our answers. Thanks Levi.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Postcard from the East Coast
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Tokelau Language Week
This week we have Tokelau Language Week. What I have found fascinating with all these different languages is the similarities.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Solving Word Problems
Our focus for the next few weeks in maths is solving word problems. There are many ways to solve a word problem and each problem can be solved in a different way but eventually we should all get the same answers.
How do you solve word problems?
You could try:
- drawing a sketch, a graph or a table (my favourite)
- acting it out or using material like counters
- making a list
- finding a pattern and adding to it
- guessing and checking
- working back wards
- breaking the problem into smaller parts.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Altering Media
Our second session on Media we had Phil join us and talk about how Media tries to influence us. One example of this is before meal times and later at night we see adverts trying to convince us we are hungry by showing us food. We may have already had dinner but the images remind us of some of our favourite food and make us hungry again. The companies are hoping we will go out and buy their food.
We talked about Covid and how the signs are trying to inform us of the risk and symptoms we could end up with trying to influence/persuade us to get double jabbed.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Niuean Language
Today's Early Bird Challenge was to translate either ten colours or the numbers 1 to 10. On Monday we looked at greetings. During class we also looked at how we can introduce ourselves in Niuean.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Language Warriors
Monday, October 18, 2021
What Media have you been Viewing?
Our Cybersmart Theme for Term 4 is Smart Media. We complete a form about what Media we have been using over the last few weeks. When we looked at the resulted we discussed the bias that goes with it because today was the 'first day back at school' even if through Auckland lockdown. Hence, during the holiday period we had more time to do what we wanted and when we wanted (parents allowing of course).
Then we realised we didn't read the initial instruction which mentioned 168 hours in a week, so we were to consider how many hours a week we viewed the media form. Yeah, most of the students did media in one day.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Tapa Pasifika
Not only is this week Chinese Language Week it is also Tuvalu Language Week.
After looking at a range of Tapa Patterns, thanks to the site Tapa Cloths from the Pacific and Art Work, to inspire us. We made a digital tapa pattern, we had the choice of using a premade spreadsheet with a page each and 26 x 26 square (thanks to another teacher) or Google draw with a table 10x10 inserted and the cells reduced to a square shape.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Awesome Alliteration
Last week we started practising writing sentences using alliteration. Here are some on the ones we came up with for A and B.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Finding the Area of Joined Shapes
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
More Proverbs
As I was reading a list of Chinese Proverbs, I realised many of our saying come from this list. I am not sure who had the saying first, but as I can't say them in Chinese I have taken the English version of the Chinese proverb and explained how it inspires me.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Chinese Language Week
We are learning Chinese phrases for Chinese Language Week. I like having the how to say it part e.g. here you can see the Chinese Characters, the way it is transcribe into Romanised characters and then the how to say it translation in brackets.
你好 Nǐ hǎo (nee how) Hello
我叫譚雅 Wǒ jiào Tanya (war-jee-ow) My name is Tanya
謝謝 Xièxiè (Sh-ye - sh-ye) Thank you
再見 Zàijiàn (Z-eye gen) - Goodbye
Friday, September 24, 2021
Friday Fun
Today we looked at different ways to make art using a computer. there are many ways and these site just helped us think outside the box to create images or backgrounds we could use in our animation.
Sand Art
First we looked at the sand art, it was great to here the students discuss ways to make it better. the other day when I tried it I managed to change from a rainbow of colours to just black and couldn't figure out how to change it and was too scared to try anything. But, my boys just tapped and talked and shared their wow as they went. Of course the colour circle in the top right would change the colour. It takes you to a colour palette and you can pick a specific colour or the target circles in the left corner (of this page) give you a selection it will randomly choose from.This top one is using the random circle of colours and then a blue top.The second one is using colours I selected for different areas, attempting to make a lot of mountains on the left and a valley leading to the sea on the right, in the evening with the sun setting.
Silk Art
This one was interesting as you could change the number of symmetrical points from 2 to 12. You could also alter the size from smaller to larger.
What we did notice is if you left the marker in one place too long the colour turn to white. This also occurred if you returned with a second colour (if you were trying to add layers.

I can see many applications for this, if you use then the image could be add easily to a drawing and the layers i mentioned earlier achieved by putting a red one over top. Then download as a png and insert it into your presentation.
Manetas - Pollock

Quick Draw
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Robotics With SDA
Throughout lockdown, I have continued to teach Robotics, Coding to a Technology Class that comes into Wesley Intermediate.
Last week we started creating a game similar to the Gameboy layout. Students how to pick a back ground, create a sprite that appeared to move left, right, forward and back.
Here is what a student achieved well done Ryan!
The challenge was then set to see if students could add obstacles for their sprite to jump over, crash into and then restart. Here is an example I created using a maze.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Animation Creations
After looking at Myths and Legends we think we are ready to start our Animation for Ako Hiko Film Festival, all for the sake of learning. There are many ways to create animation. Tomorrow's post will show one using scratch (not quite the PG, we require for Film Festival).
Today we are looking at using slides again. This time we have some tips for you.
So we don't give away all our secrets before the Film Festival, I have taken a copy of the slide with the feature on to only show they tip.
1. You can show passing of time by darkening the back ground, you could also have the sun moving across the sky during the day.
2. You can show movement by creating an object in one slide, duplicate the slide and then move the object, repeat. You could use the initial slide to show rocking back and forward, or duplicate second slide and move object along a little further to show travelling.
3. You repeat a slide with talking on so the audience has a chance to read what is being said, this one also incorporates a moving boat.
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Comparing Characters and Heroes
We are looking forward to creating an animation about our favourite Myth or Legend. But first we need to do some research and see where else there are similar heroes in the world.
After asking students to find heroes from their home lands we completed the list from different places about different heroes and of course heroines.
Here is an example of the stories we looked at and the sheet we had to complete about our hero. I loved seeing people finding out more about their history, Ka rawe, Awesome!
Monday, September 20, 2021
Morning Challenge
Let's get our brains up and going. I used to enjoy solving picture puzzles and word puzzles, not the crossword type they are to angry. So when I found them and learnt they were called Rebus puzzles I had to bring them into class.
Friday, September 17, 2021
All the Angles Add up
We have been looking at angle this week and last week and even having taught everything about angles years ago. I still managed to learn something. Or at least understand why a fact I was told is valid.
Facts I was told
- Angles inside a triangle add up to 180 degress
- Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees
- Angles around a point add up to 360 degrees
The last too facts were easy to get thanks to a protractor, all the way from the beginning of a circle to the end is 360 degrees, easy. Draw a straight line and measure using a protractor from one side to the other 180 degrees. No sweat.
I never (or at least I don't remember) thought about a triangle as part of two parallel lines, and of course the lines on a straight line equal 180 degrees.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Who can write the best Comments Room 8 or 9?
This morning we joined Room 8 it was neat to see how they are learning different reo Maori phrases and mixing in sign language too. Although I think we might need to check the positioning of the hands so we can all see them.
Mr Margetts joined us and talked about Quality Blog Comments.
Good Luck!!!! May the best teacher, I mean student win!
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Useful phrases for school in Te Reo o Maori
After the discussion about phrase we could use at home I though we should have a list that can be used in class as Paahitia te ... pass the ...
Then we came up with some instructions that teachers can use, followed by the rules we have at school and in class.
What do you say when your in the Kitchen?
Listening to my boys they are always asking for food. What do you ask for in the kitchen?
This week is Te Wiki o te Reo Maori and today we are looking at what phrases we might use in the kitchen. Pass the ... or Are you hungry? and how you could answer a question.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Mrs Mundy Mihi
Back to Online learning and this week is Te Wiki o te Reo Maori, so we are all practising our mihi.
I like this one as it is all inclusive, people from overseas can use it easily too.
My New Blog
Today we are learning how to create the formula for the rule in an equation. we needed to remember to use a letter which symbolises a ...
Let's get our brains up and going. I used to enjoy solving picture puzzles and word puzzles, not the crossword type they are to angry. S...
Today in both of our chats online William's Dad from a village in Tonga joined us and talked about life in Tonga and New Zealand. Yes he...